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Pink Sugar

January 2024

I was selected to participate in the Rising Star Postdoc Symposium at the Salk Institute!

Thanks to the organizers of the Bay Area Chromatin Club online seminar series for inviting me to present my work!

December 2023

My postdoctoral work on the mechanism of mobility of the human LINE-1 retrotransposon was published in Nature!
Check out the Twitter thread here and News and Views article in Nature.

I gave a virtual seminar at the Department of Molecular Genetics, Ohio State University. Thanks to Sharon Amacher for the invitation!

I gave seminars at the National Center of Biological Sciences and the Molecular Biophysics Unit of Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India. Thanks to the hosts Vinothkumar Kutti and Somnath Dutta!

I received the best talk award at the Bay Area RNA Club at UCSF. Thanks to the organizers for the opportunity!

I gave a seminar in the Biosciences department of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Thanks to the hosts Sandip Kaledhonkar and Roop Malik!

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